The meeting of the BEAC Working group «Barents Forest Sector Network»
The event was held in Pushkino city (Moscow region) on the basis of the All-Russian Institute of Advanced Training of Leading Employees and Specialists of Forestry (ARRISMF). The Working Group consists of experts from Russia, Norway, Finland and Sweden. The participants of the meeting discussed issues related to the impact of climate changes on the forests of the Barents region and the need for adaptation of forestry to the changes, forest inventory and the development of a "green" economy.
The welcoming speech was made by the Head of the Department of Science and Prospective Forestry Development of the Federal Forestry Agency Vladimir Dmitriev. He named the desire to develop and intensify cooperation and promote the transition to an ecologically efficient economy in the Barents region, as well as to strengthen cooperation for responding to climate change, as the general objectives of the group.
Natalia Demidova, Deputy Director for Science, took part in the meeting of the BEAC Working Group "Forest Network of the Barents Region". She provided an information on the work of the reference group on the preparation of the “Barents-2050” study and plans to hold the “Forest Forum of the Barents Region” in Arkhangelsk.