Tarakanov Anatoly Mihaillovich
Chief of the Laboratory of Taiga Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.
Phone (8182) 61-79-55, 68-60-42.
E-mail: A.M.Tarakanov@yandex.ru
Chief of the Laboratory of Taiga Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.
Scientific achievemnets: definition of ecological-phytocenotic characteristics of environment changes, regularities of growth, maturing and structure of stands under the influence of water forest reclamation, sylvicultural attendance and different kinds of cuttings; elaboration of mathematical models of soil water regime for different combinations of soil-ground types and draining net parameters; classification of excess moisture forests according to forest types, soil types, water-mineral nutrition and groups of reclamation efficiency; dynamic typology of drained forests; system of sylvicultural and forest taxation standards for assessment of forest productivity and forest resources quality; models of growth process, bucking and marketable tables of drained forests; theoretical justification of forest management and exploitation methods in reclaimed forests, criteria, rates and methods of assessment of forestry measures economic efficiency; elaboration of simulation model of forest ecosystems functioning which allows forecasting consequences of anthropogenic impacts, optimizing economic system and achieving desired aims, the model is based on comprehensive approach to studies of “ecotope-phytocenosis” system, correlations between forest flora and habitat conditions, influence of different factors on changes of ecosystem elements.
Scientific interests: ecology and nature management economics, modeling of forest and marsh ecosystems behavior under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors.
The most important publications (total amount of publications – 120):
Participation in international conferences, meetings and workshops:
Additional information:
He is Member of Ameliorative Technical Society on hydromelioration and scientific section "Hydro-melioration" under the Department of agriculture, land reclamation and forestry of Rosselhozakademia. Chief of the direction “Ecology, biodiversity and productivity of taiga ecosystems”. He was awarded with diploma, premium and medal for the victory in the Lomonosov Competition of Research and Introduction works on the environmental problems, with the sign “For conservation and replenishment of forest resources of Russia”, with badges of honour of the USSR State Forest Committee, with diplomas of Arkhangelsk Region Administration. Íå is a Member of the Academic Council of N(A)SU on Doctor`s and Candidate`s theses; also he is Professor of N(A)SU Chair of Forest Taxation and Forest Management; disciplines: economic assessment of lands, forest cadastre, organization and planning.
Scientific interests: ecology and nature management economics, modeling of forest and marsh ecosystems behavior under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors.
The most important publications (total amount of publications – 120):
- Growth of drained forests and their management. - Arkhangelsk, 2004. - 228 P.;
- Features of cuttings in drained forests of the European North // Forest magazine. - 2004. - ¹ 6. P. 7-12;
- The characteristic hydro-melioration fund and natural features of swamped forests of the European North of Russia // Bulletin of Pomorsky University. - 2005. - ¹ 2 (8). – PP. 56-63;
- Age of maturity and main cuttings of drained forests // Forestry. - 2006. - ¹ 2. – PP.27-29;
- Changes of ecological conditions under the influence of cuttings in drained forests of the European North // Lesovedenie. - 2007. - ¹ 4. - PP. 22-25.
- Tarakanov A.M., Simakov À.À, Kapistka V.V. Influence of pumping of groundwaters on a hydrothermal regime of soils in forest biogeocenoses // Materials of accounting session "NRIF" following the results of scientific works, on April, 28th 2010, Arkhangelsk;
- Tarakanov A.M., Simakov À.À, Kapistka V.V. Influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on stocks of a productive moisture in soil of pine lichen forests // Materials of accounting session "NRIF" following the results of scientific works , on April, 28th 2010, Arkhangelsk;
- A.M. Tarakanov. Growth and economic development of drained forests of the European North // Materials of the all-Russian conference: IV Melehov`s scientific readings devoted to the 105th anniversary of birth of I.S. Melehov. «Problems of silviculture and forestry» (Arkhangelsk, November, 10-12, 2010), Arkhangelsk; Northern (Arctic) Federal University, 2010. – PP.109-116.
- A.M. Tarakanov. Ages of maturity and ways of cuttings of drained forests // Works. SPb.: SpbNIILH, 2010. Vol.2 (22). PP.46-53.
Participation in international conferences, meetings and workshops:
- The All-Russian Scientific Conference with the international participation "Wood resources of a taiga zone of Russia: problems of forest exploitation and reforestation", September, 30 – October, 3, 2009, Petrozavodsk;
- International Research and Practice Conference "Protective forest-growing in the Russian Federation" (October, 2011, Volgograd);
- Research and Practice Conference "Efficiency increase, sustainable use and protection of the forest fund lands" in Tikhvin (September, 2011);
- Research and Practice Workshop “20-year experience of forestry conducting in forests and outlooks of its applications in the Northwest of Russian Federation (Republic Karelia, Sortavala region, September, 2011).
- "Sustainable Forest management" (Finland);
- International Workshop on forest draining problems (Finland).
Additional information:
He is Member of Ameliorative Technical Society on hydromelioration and scientific section "Hydro-melioration" under the Department of agriculture, land reclamation and forestry of Rosselhozakademia. Chief of the direction “Ecology, biodiversity and productivity of taiga ecosystems”. He was awarded with diploma, premium and medal for the victory in the Lomonosov Competition of Research and Introduction works on the environmental problems, with the sign “For conservation and replenishment of forest resources of Russia”, with badges of honour of the USSR State Forest Committee, with diplomas of Arkhangelsk Region Administration. Íå is a Member of the Academic Council of N(A)SU on Doctor`s and Candidate`s theses; also he is Professor of N(A)SU Chair of Forest Taxation and Forest Management; disciplines: economic assessment of lands, forest cadastre, organization and planning.
Phone (8182) 61-79-55, 68-60-42.
E-mail: A.M.Tarakanov@yandex.ru