Researchers of our institute always give science-methodical help on the forestry management and nature protection measures to forest complex enterprises of Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions and business owners also.
In 2011 the institute carried out studies on forestry research on request of the Federal Forest Agency on the following projects:

Project 44 "Standardization of traditional forest exploitation in the areas of compact settlement of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation".
The project is implemented jointly with FBI DalNIILH.
Project leader from NRIF is A.M. Tarakanov, Doctor of the Agricultural Sciences, Chief of the Laboratory.
Schedule times: 01.01.11 – 31.12.2015.
Aim of the research: to reveal optimal sizes of forest sites and to define norms (rates) according to the ways of forest exploitation in the areas of compact settlement and traditional activity of indigenous peoples of the North.
Expectations and research and development products (R&D products): standards for forest exploitation in the areas of traditional settlement and anthropogenic activity of indigenous peoples of the North.

Project 45 "Condition, dynamics of drying spruce stands in the area between Northern Dvina and Pinega rivers: risks, problems, solutions".
Project leader – E.A. Surina, Candidate of the Agricultural Sciences.
Schedule times: 01.01.11 – 01.12.2012.
Aim of the research: to examine conditions of forest fire protection, dynamics of drying spruce stands distribution in the area between Northern Dvina and Pinega rivers. To define the range of sanitary and improving measures in the drying spruce stands and volumes of drying stands exploitation by industry and local population.
Expectations and R&D products: explanation of risks of drying spruce stands susceptibility to fires, insect attacks, and windbreaks and breakage (2011). Recommendations of required range of sanitary and improving measures in drying spruce stands. Probable rates of drying stands exploitation by industry and local population (2012).

Project 46 "Conservation and increase of the collection of woody plants in the NRIF Dendrological Garden".
Project leader ─ N.A. Demidova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director on Sciences.
Schedule times: 01.01.11 – 31.12.13
Aim of the research: conservation, study and increase of the existing unique NRIF collection of woody plants.
Expectations and R&D products: conservation and increase of the genofund of NRIF woody plants collection. Analysis of the results of valuable woody plants introduction testing.

Project 47 "Conduction of complex research of the Far North spruce stands composition and regularities of structure and development of standard system for state forest inventory and forest management purposes".
Project leader – S.V. Yaroslavtsev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Acting Director.
Schedule times: 01.01.11 – 01.12.12
Aim of the research: elaboration of taxation tables and standards system with the purpose of inventory and management of spruce stands in the area of pre-tundra forests and open taiga of the European-Ural part of RF.
Expectations and R&D products: assortment and marketable tables of the stands from the area of pre-tundra forests and open taiga of the European-Ural part of RF (2011).
Taxation standards for spruce stands from the area of pre-tundra forests and open taiga of the European-Ural part of RF.
Forest taxation standards for interpretation of taxation rates according to remote sensing data (2012).

Project 48 “Improvement of standard-taxation base of larch stands in the European North”.
Project leader ─ S.V. Tretyakov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Schedule times: 01.01.11 – 01.12.12
Aim of the research: to examine structure and to elaborate standard-taxation base of larch stands of the taiga zone of the European North with the purpose of state inventory and forest management.
Expectations and R&D products: report on present condition of larch stands taxation standards. Analysis of the main factors influencing dynamics and silvicultural-taxation features of larch stands (2011). Assortment and marketable tables for larch stands. Standard-taxation base of larch stands. Development of the system of forestry measures for conservation and restoration of larch stands (2012).

Project 49 “Economic analysis of costs of forest management activities provided by the forest sites holders and organizations according to Article 19 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation”.
Project leader – A.M. Tarakanov A., Doctor of the Agricultural Sciences, Chief of the Laboratory.
Schedule times: 01.01.11 – 01.12.12
Aim of the research: economic analysis of costs for forestry measures conduction on rented wood sites of the forest fund.
Expectations and R&D products: economic analysis of costs for forestry measures conduction by forest sites holders and organizations according to Article 19 of the RF Forest Code (2011). Technique for defining standard costs of forestry measures conduction which are carried out by forest sites holders and organizations according to Article 19 of the RF Forest Code (2012).

Project 50 “Utilization of wood waste to produce composts for increasing of soil fertility on forest plantations: from innovations to application”.
Project leader – N. A. Demidova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director on Sciences.
Schedule times: 01.01.10 – 31.12.13
Aim of the research: utilization of different kinds of wood waste such as bark (Betula, Picea) for making organic fertilizers and their application on forest plantations. Integration of modern composting methods into forestry.
Expectations and R&D products: Technology of compost preparation on the base of wood waste using modern equipment (2012).
Recommendations for preparation and application of unconventional organic fertilizers on forest plantations of the North (2013).

Project 51 “Studies of geographical and testing pine and spruce cultures, selection of the best climatic types for introduction in conditions of the North-West of Russia in connection with global climatic changes, and of elite candidates for faster forest growing”.
Project leader – D.H. Faizulin, Senior Researcher.
Schedule times: 01.01.10 – 31.12.11
Aim of the research: studies of forest ecosystems reaction on global climatic changes. The aim is achieved through solving the following problems: studies of pine and spruce geographical cultures, selection of pine and spruce climatic types able to replace indigenous populations within the conditions of climatic changes on the territory of RF.
Expectations and R&D products: project standards for usage of pine and spruce climatic types to replace indigenous populations and to form persistent stands within the conditions of climatic changes in the North-West of Russia.

Project 52 “Improvement of the technology of growing planting material with closed root system and its usage in different forest conditions”.
Project leader – B.A. Mochalov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Chief of the Sector.
Schedule times: 01.01.10 – 31.12.11
Aim of the research: Improvement of the technology of growing of high quality planting material with closed root system in the conditions of taiga zone of the European part of Russia using domestic and foreign greenhouse complexes which provides receiving of 1.5-2 yields per vegetation period and resistance of seedlings in cultures.
Expectations and R&D products: project of planting material with closed root system usage for forest cultures establishment in different forest conditions.

Project 53 “Analysis of artificial reforestation efficiency in the conditions of the Northern Taiga Subzone in the European part of Russia and efficiency increasing measures”.
Project leader – R.V. Sungurov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Chief of the Laboratory.
Schedule times: 01.01.10 – 31.12.11
Aim of the research: development of suggestions for artificial reforestation efficiency increase in the conditions of the Northern Taiga Subzone in the European part of Russia.
Expectations and R&D products: suggestions for artificial reforestation efficiency increase in the Northern Taiga Subzone in the European part of Russia.

Project 54 “Development of forestry measures system to provide natural reforestation of coniferous species on cutting areas on the European North of Russian Federation and implementation of their economic explanation”.
Project leader – V.A. Gushchin, senior researcher
Schedule times: 01.01.10 – 31.12.11
Aim of the research: Development of science-based system of forestry measures to provide natural reforestation of coniferous species on cutting areas on the European North of Russian Federation.
Expectations and R&D products: forestry-ecological and technical requirements to conduction of cuttings providing conservation of the undergrowth, forest thinners and ground cover; recommended technological schemes of forest stands felling. System of forestry measures providing natural reforestation of coniferous species on cutting areas on the European North. Economic efficiency of forestry measures system providing natural reforestation of coniferous species.

Project 55 “Determination of the impact of anthropogenic factors on non-wooden forest production resources in the middle and southern taiga zones of the European North”.
Project leader – N.A. Druzhinin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Chief of the Laboratory.
Schedule times: 01.01.10 – 31.12.11
Aim of the research: to determine the resources of mushroom and berry lands in natural and formed under the influence of anthropogenic factors conditions in the middle and southern taiga zones of the European North.
Expectations and R&D products: assessment and suitability of mushroom and berry lands for commercial and recreational harvesting according to forest growing conditions and characteristics of forest fund development.

Project 56 “Establishment and restoration of multiple-factor stationary (constant) experimental objects in the forests of natural and artificial origin”.
Project leader – R.V. Sungurov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Chief of the Laboratory.
Schedule times: 01.01.09 – 01.12.11
Aim of the research: inventory of experimental objects using materials of repeated reports and analysis of the changes.
Expectations and R&D products: (within specified time intervals) conduction of accounting works which provide safety and realization of stand growing programs on the permanent experimental plots.
Specified on the base of obtained information:
  • models of changes of stands characteristics within the course of time (according to the variants of their growth);
  • regulations of conduction forestry measures which allow to increase stands productivity and reduce periods of growing and transfer of the results to economic players in the forests.